Electrical and electrical materials brand list of outlets in South China

Electrician brand in the "500" strong distributor

Network outlets in South China market rankings brand South China (home) Rank Matsushita Electric 3 1 TCL-Rogrange International Electric 3 1 Long Neng 2 3 Simon 2 3 Space 2 2 TNC International Electric 1 6 Manco 1 6 Hongyan 1 6 Matsumoto Electric Works 1 6 Siemens Electrician 1 6 Junlang Electric 1 6 Chint 1 6 Qi Sheng 1 6 Bodun 1 6 Chint Electric 1 6 Qi Sheng Electric 1 6 SOK 1 6
Source: Top 500 most competitive lighting and lighting distributors in China's first-tier cities

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